What are people saying about “Expelled”?

By: American Decency Staff

Yesterday, I lifted up the Ben Stein movie “Expelledâ€Â. I asked the following: What do they do? What do we do? I'd like to know your thoughts. Your experience(s). I'll share my thoughts in the days ahead.======================================== I received the following e-mails: =================================== Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am also a teacher and prayer warrior for Chad Farnan (chadfarnan.com) I saw EXPELLED last night and was blessed by a large church group from another church with whom I got to share after the movie. Sad topic, but so very stimulating. Thanks to Mr. Stein for beautifully touching on so many aspects of an issue we all need to PLACE IN PRAYER and address in our daily lives. Lord's Blessing, A.C. ——————————————————————- Great e-mail. My husband took our 12 1/2 year old son to see the movie last weekend. He highly recommended it. We really need to continue to encourage Christians to see this movie. Just last week, I listened to an interview on EWTN Catholic Radio of a molecular biologist employed at a university saying that she knows God is there when she sees the cells multiply or whatever in the lab, but is strongly coerced by faculty to keep her views quiet. Our family home schools, so we know our children are being taught correctly, but we need to make our voice heard for all those who are being mislead, misinformed and mis-educated in the schools. Christians – silence is acceptance! PRAY, PRAY, PRAY for God's guidance and take action. A great book to read about how we as Christians (and all others) can make a difference with our voices for morality is called POWER TO THE PEOPLE by Laura Ingraham. Thanks, Bill, for your continued work. God's peace, Amy O. ——————————————————————— Dear Mr. Johnson, We have been hearing about it on the Christian network however we're sorry to say that it's not playing here in Northwest Indiana that we're aware of. If we are wrong, please let us know. Sincerely My reply: Try this web site: http://www.expelledthemovie.com:80/theaterap.php ——————————————————————— I was excited to see the movie frankly. I found a theater in my area that carried the movie and showed up 10 minutes early only to be disappointed that it was SOLD OUT. I couldn't believe it. Well, my wife and I will just have to find a baby sitter for another night. Barry ——————————————————————— What do we do? Start a revolution, and take the nation back for Christ like we started out as a nation. As Christians in America, we all have a role to play. The Church has been asleep, and the 'end timers' are all waiting for Jesus to return and doing nothing. We all need to roll up our collective sleeves and dive in get going. There are many ways to do this and I'll be happy to share those with anyone who wants to be part of the solution and not the problem. You have given some of the things to do already, if we'll just get out there and do them. Paul ==== ADA response: So I asked Paul “Tell me what you recommend – please. Bill, First, thank you for what you are doing. You are an inspiration to folks like me out here in the trenches. You are exactly correct in what you put out on the website. Just don't ever give up or get tired because you are exhorting and encouraging many like me. Don't ever let the devil tell you otherwise. This is some of what I have done………. I have run for office locally which bought me a cheap ticket into the inner workings of my local government where I now exert considerable Christian influence. I have joined our County GOP organization where I now have influence with our State Congressmen, and am a pct chairman. I serve on a board in our city government as well. I routinely write the Supreme Ct Justices on various issues and have received letters back from them. I routinely stay in contact with my state and federal elected officials by phone and letter. I go to state conventions. I even went to our state legislature to lobby for Bibles in schools legislation. I write letters to the editor of our local paper, both local and regional, and have had some published. I did some research on the providential history of my local area and our state (Texas) and self published books on these subjects which are now in our public school's libraries as well as our public libraries. I sign online petitions for AFA, ACLJ, etc. I have confronted homosexual activities in our city by going to our City Council meetings and making presentations. I have protested the IB program in our local schools by making a presentation at our local school board. I have contacted our local paper's reporters about articles and been published and written up in the paper over various Christian issues. I have approached our local school board on using the National Council on Bible Curriculum in Public Schools materials in our district by addressing the board directly. I speak quarterly at a juvenile lock up facility in our area. I run a Bible Study at our hospital facility where I work. Through Parent's TV Council (I'm a regional director) I write media outlets/FCC from time to time about bad programming. I do abstinence talks in public schools for a local right to life group. I write prisoners as a pen pal. I am helping Heritage Alliance on publishing voters guides for County and municipal races, not just state and federal races, for Christians to evaluate and vote with some education. I work with other action groups like yours, Texas Eagle Forum, AFA, Fire, Free Mkt Foundation, VOM, Liberty Legal, etc, and make calls or write letters on their issues. I am thinking about doing a movie about a Christian theme for entry into local and regional film festivals. I am also working on a live radio program through 'blogspot'. Once a year I lead a group called LifeChain where we take a city block and hold up anti-abortion signs in our neighborhood for an hour (that's a fairly minimal committment!!). I am an Elder at my Church and leverage that positon every way I can to fire up those there to get into action, vote, write letters, and join the cultural war. I do talks at Church on our Christian heritage/history and how to get involved. I even do the things you bring up from time to time. I believe if we really want to make a difference we have to give up some of "our" time for Kingdom work and the winning of our nation for Christ. We have to engage the enemy in the marketplace and insert a Biblical worldview at the table of ideas in the market in every way using every chance we can. There are an infinite number of ways this can be done. Even those that are bed ridden can make phone calls, write letters, etc. Working with God's power and direction, we have a nation to save and a world to convert, and there are unlimited ways to do that and plenty of work to go around, if we'll just get to it! As they say, we just gotta git 'er done………… Paul ============================= My wife and I saw the movie Saturday. Agree completely that it should be seen by parents and students at all levels. After the movie I asked the young man taking tickets if he had seen it. He said no and that it is unusual to have a Documentary in the theater. I urged him to be sure to see it that it is important to see it's message. Kent ———– Well said, Bill.. This was my experience as a faculty member of Michigan State University. I have followed the creation evolution controversy since the early 70's when there weren't many voices to speak out with Biblical and Scientific authority on the subject. Even Baylor University, a Baptist college is guilty of the bias you noted as they took down a web site of a faculty member who dared to discuss Intelligent Design. This is a breath of fresh air, and at least as important a film as The Passion of the Christ which also caused quite a stir. ————– My husband and I and 2 other couples went to see this movie. We thought it was great – and quite informative! America – wake up!!! ==================================== Following Truth or the Lie? Lastly, I recommend you look into and sign up for Focus on the Family's "Truth Project" at http://www.thetruthproject.org/ http://www.thetruthproject.org/whatistruthproject/ If you are in the greater Grand Rapids, Michigan area and would like to join with us in promoting this important ministry effort to lift up the Word and help Christians develop a stronger Biblical worldview, contact us here at 888-733-2326. ASAP! ADA will be serving as a host location for Focus on the Family's "Truth Project" satellite broadcast on Saturday, September 27. ADA has a limited number of tickets available for this all day event. [9:30 – 4:30 pm] See: http://www.thetruthproject.org/ For more information, or to order your ticket, call us at: 888-733-2326. American Decency Association Bill Johnson, President P.O. Box 202 Fremont, MI 49412 ph: 231-924-4050 www.americandecency.org

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